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Planning Board Minutes 09/06/2006

Wellfleet Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting Wednesday, September 6, 2006
Town Hall Hearing Room, 7:00 p.m.

Present:  R. Dennis O’Connell, Barbara Gray, Ronald Harper, Gerald Parent, Stephen Oliver, Alfred Pickard, David Rowell; Rex Peterson, Assistant Town Administrator

Chairman Dennis O’Connell welcomed Ron Harper, who gave a brief summary of his background on town boards.
O’Connell opened the hearing at 7:00 p.m.

Definitive Subdivision #06-06, Dawn Parkington, 30 & 40 Brimmer Lane
(Map 46, Parcels 11 & 12), 2 lots proposed
Richard Lay of Slade Associates, Inc., came forward to represent Dawn Parkington.  He said the agreement was to provide a turn-around on Brimmer Lane and a waiver of the underground utilities.  The plan creates one new building lot, which is the last lot that can be built upon.  Mr. Lay said there was nothing new to present since the preliminary hearing.  O’Connell asked about the driveway which encroaches on Lot A.  Mr. Lay gave options that Ms. Parkington had for the driveway and parking area on Lot A.  The waivers requested are for construction of the road and for underground utilities.  Mr. Lay provided a copy of the covenant.  Parent moved to approve the covenant.  Oliver seconded, and the motion carried 5-0. [Ron Harper had recused himself]  The Board signed the covenant and the plan.

O’Connell closed the hearing at 7:10 p.m. and convened the regular meeting.

Covenant for Sueko Hall, 151 Hamblen Farm Rd. (Map 19, Parcel 12 and
Map 12, Parcel 54) – DSD 03-01
Mr. Richard Lay of Slade Associates provided a copy of the Sueko Hall covenant for the Planning Board to sign which the Board did. The subdivision plan had been re-signed on March 1, 2006.

ANR # 06-05 Paul R. Thimas, 65 Lieutenant’s Island Rd. (Map 42, Parcel 71.3)
Richard Lay presented ANR #06-06 for Paul Thimas.  Lot 3 and Lot 4 on Map 42, Parcel 71.3 are to be re-divided so that Lot 3B would become and remain part of Lot 4.  This does not create a buildable lot.  The path through Lot 3B will remain to connect the house on Parcel 70 to Grace Chapel on Parcel 69.  O’Connell asked about placing concrete bounds, but Mr. Lay said this was not a requirement for an ANR.  Gray moved to deem the plan an ANR.  Parent seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.

Cortes DSD #06-04 Rte. 6 & Goss Lane – Signing plan & Covenant
The Cortes Subdivisions DSD #06-04 had been approved on April 19, 2006.  Richard Lay provided the plan and covenant for signatures for the Cortes Subdivision DSD # 06-04.

Downtown improvements
May Ruth Seidel of the Non-Resident Taxpayers Association came forward to discuss the meeting they held visioning improvements for downtown Wellfleet.  The NRTA had ideas for sidewalks, bike racks and benches.  Sidewalks, she said, was their biggest concern.  Seidel said she had also talked to Police Chief Richard Rosenthal about one-way traffic.  Rowell addressed the problems involved in redoing the sidewalks.  Oliver suggested that poles could be eliminated if the utilities were put underground, perhaps at the same time as a water main was being put in.  Peterson spoke about the expenses of putting utilities underground.  He said utilities cannot be put in the same trench with a water main.  Parent discussed other issues to make sidewalks more user- friendly.  O’Connell identified Commercial St. and East Main St. as the major problem areas.  Peterson and the Board discussed sources of funding for sidewalks.

Town Owned Land for Housing Development Response
Various Town boards had given their responses to the three proposed sites for housing development, and Planning Board had been asked to make recommendations to the Town Administrator.

Chequessett Neck Rd. property (Map 14, Parcels 112 & 119)
O’Connell disclosed that he is an abutter through
the Wellfleet Conservation Trust.
The Chequessett Neck Rd. property has an environmental nitrate problem, according to John Riehl.  O’Connell said there were no plans presented and no information on other water and septic systems in the neighborhood.  He said it was premature to proceed at this time.
Parent moved to not recommend.   Gray seconded.  The motion was based on the following findings:
1.) proximity to wetlands; 2.) the pending final draft of the Mass Estuaries Project (MEP) report; 3.) access rights of abutters to the property (what rights do they have?); 4.) septic and well plans not yet provided; and 5.) the unknown intensity of use - one or two dwellings.
Coles Neck Rd. proposal (Map 7, Parcel 24)
O’Connell moved to not recommend.  Gray seconded and the motion carried 7-0.  
The vote was based on the finding that PB cannot see the justification for carving out this piece from the entire parcel without a plan in place for the entire property.

Property off Old King’s Highway (Map 23, Parcels 90, 92, 93 & 94)
Parent disclosed that he was a neighbor/owner to the property.
Parent said that there was an agreement that Delphi Rd. would not be developed further.  Pickard asked if any access plan had been determined.  Parent discussed the cart path designated as Duck Pond Rd., which has not been an access route for other developments.  PB said that until access problems were solved, this project should not proceed.  

O’Connell made a motion to deny all three proposals.  Oliver seconded.  The motion carried 7-0.  O’Connell agreed to write a letter to the Town Administrator with copies to the Board of Selectmen and submitting organizations.  The letter will state the Planning Board’s decision and findings against transferring the Town ownership of the three properties.

Signatures for Registry and Land Court
All seven members of the Board signed the forms for the Barnstable Registry of Deeds, the Barnstable Land Court and the Massachusetts Land Court.

Parent nominated O’Connell as Chair.  Gray seconded, and the motion carried  7-0.
O’Connell nominated Gerald Parent as Vice-Chair.  Oliver seconded, and the motion carried 7-0.
David Rowell nominated Ron Harper as PB clerk.  Pickard seconded, and the Board unanimously approved 7-0.

Minutes of 8/2/06
Gray moved to approve the amended minutes of August 2, 2006.   Rowell seconded.  The motion carried. 5-0-2.

Other Business
Cranberry Hollow Rd. abutters have petitioned to restore that name to the part of the road renamed Sandy Lane earlier this year.  A hearing date has been set for October 4, 2006, and the Board was apprised of the request.

Barbara Gray moved to adjourn, Rowell seconded, and the motion carried 7-0.  The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
____________________________    ____________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary        R. Dennis O’Connell, Chairman
